My revolutionary vision is for all woman to stand up for themselves , to speak up, to speak out!! So many times through this world’s history woman have been treated lesser then,as if we do not matter , or our feelings are not valid or unimportant… As a grown woman I now know how wrong sexual violence is, I unfortunately know the deep pain,and unfair problems that follow… I have endured and witnessed abuse of many forms… Physical abuse, mental abuse,and sexual abuse… I am strongly against it!!! Women are precious gemstones that deserve to be treated like the jems we are!! I have known men who have been gentlemen to women,to those men. I must thank you…!!! More men who are considerate of a woman are greatly needed… I have also known men who were complete abusers, hitting women, talking down to them, and sexual abusing them..This is wrong and needs to stop!!! It is unfair to everyone! It is effecting all of our relationships in a destructive way… Please respect each ..There is no reason why we as humans should go on treating each other unequal. We are created in God’s image . To love eachother, to help eachother, to do good ,not to do bad. . Not to fight , but to live together in peace and harmony………