My revolution is LIVING LOVING BEING. Let us find ourselves as the primary vehicle to create an alliance of authentic presence on this earth. Everyday we have a chance to create positive energy. Through positive communication, self-actualization and supporting others we can actively create a present that builds a future without the negative.
Everyday, if we live fully, love fully and be fully present, we shall leave this world better than when we found it.
This is a call to stop SILENCE, to start VOICING our TRUTHS and taking action in EVERYDAY situations. Be brave and know you are not alone. How can you live love and be today?
Does it mean, be self-reflective? Will you try to incorporate more goodwill into your business? Will you take a moment and speak with a stranger? Will you speak out when you see someone mistreated? Does this mean spend more time with loved ones? Buy a coffee for the person behind you. As small or large, we are all beings on this planet, lets help each other out.