Events to elevate and celebrate the health, hope, happiness, humor & harmony of humanity thru movement, music & community. Dallas Rising in LOVE! is a non-profit (in process) organization that is dedicated to V-Day's mission. More coming ...
Monica Blossom is a conscious dance facilitator, events producer, community organizer, and social entrepreneur deeply committed to the healthy evolution of humanity through the power of movement, music & conscious community. She is the founder of Ecstatic cOMmUnity, offering Ecstatic Dance Dallas, Ecstatic MoonDance, & other dance, music & bhakti yoga events in Dallas & beyond. She teaches Flowetry in Motion, an inviting embodiment practice & philosophy of life that cultivates authentic & empowered shamanic living. Monica is a steward of conscious community, an overall connector, freedom instigator, eternal optimist and lover of life based in Dallas, TX.
"Dance, when you're broken open.
Dance, if you've torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance, when you're perfectly free." (...and we are!)
-- Jelaluddin Rumi (13th century