In a world where everyone understands and respects the rights and needs of the others, justice would be a logical and normal term and everyone would agree that criminals must be punished according to their crime, not according to the wealth of the person they damaged.
Since in our society there is a severe lack of information, of tolerance and respect towards each other, justice seems like a twisted torture instrument, punishing those who i.e. watched movies online, and so “damaged” a high profile company and the rights of some few very rich and influencial people, severely and with totaly unrealistic measures, putting them away from society for 5 – 10 years, while people who willingly raped, killed, psychologically or phsically tortured a child go to prison and light therapy for 3 years, and sometimes not even that because of “missing evience” or evidence that was not allowed although it was proofing the crime.
In my opinion, every piee of evidence shall be taken into account, criminals should not be punished just for the sake of it, but to actually be able to make them working members of society.