1 Billion Rising Events

1BillionRising Ottawa

Canada > Ottawa > - > 2019-02-14 > 12:00 am

About The Event

A Story-sharing campaign to End Violence Against Women and Girls -- #MeToo Ontario -- Warning: may trigger unpleasant emotions and or memories. As sexual violence continues to grow as a trend in our communities, workplaces & homes the more important and crucial it becomes to stand up NOW. The dark facts: 1) 1 out of 3 women will experience some sexual violence in their lifetime. 2) 1 out of 6 men will experience a form of sexual violence in their lifetime. 3) only 1 out of 3 Canadians know what consent means in sexual situations. I do not know about you, but my goal is to create a safe country and world for our children, sisters, brothers, wives. You name it. A world where attackers do not have more freedom than their victims. We believe that awareness is key. That awareness can give one the strength to come forward and have a voice. We are asking for victims of sexual violence to submit their story to the email: [email protected] We ensure anonymity to anyone who wishes. What will we do with these stories of survival? - an overnight campaign will take place (no date yet) that will consist of us plastering our cities with our stories. Every light post, mailbox, any surface that we can stick our story to, we will. Shocking all who read, inspiring others to come forward, and demanding change. Your story is important. We know how tough it can be to talk about traumatic experiences, but standing up now will make a better future for our circles of relations. Even if it is a story of someone you know, it matters. So please submit, we need as many as we can get.

About The Organization

1BillionRising Ottawa


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