A New Era For The World – Pursuing REAL PEACE!
By ABC4All TEAM · January 01, 2014
The New Era For The World begins 1/1/14! http://is.gd/NewEra4World
We will work to be SAVING LIVES via the “Viral Loop of the Century.” YouTube: http://is.gd/SAVINGLIVES_VLOTC
On 11/30/13 a THINK TANK regarding ALL-DISASTER REAL RELIEF yielded over 50 sustainable solutions from all over the world: http://is.gd/All_Disaster_THINK_TANK
We learned of THE INTERNATIONAL GATHERING FOR PEACE AND HUMAN RIGHTS to take place in Nigeria in 4/14: http://www.peaceandhumanrights.info/
An ABC4All Partner/Mentor, Dr. Alvin McKinney, is to receive an Award at the Gathering: He is The Prime Minister of Joyful Jazz!
Local ABC4All / Nigeria Co-Founder, Taiwo Adewole, has agreed to attend a planning meeting for The Gathering to be held at UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland in 2/14. He had represented Nigeria (one of 3 delegates) and ABC4All at The President’s Forum for Young African Leaders in 2010 about to have a reunion in Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia in 4/14!
A planning event also for the April Gathering is to take place courtesy the Secretary General of the Gathering, ABC4All Partner/Mentor Rev. Michael Steele, in Barbados in 3/14.
With all of the above pointing in the direction of a major focus on PEACE during this event, we are looking forward to all of the above synergies converging with a focus on working towards REAL PEACE with the spread of The World of A Better Community For All (ABC4All) across all the divides that exist…
Anticipating the above, the following lyrics have been created with an invitation for anyone to create a musical/song version:
Food for Thought
The travesty of ANYONE
Dying from lack of adequate
Food, shelter, water
Those who participate
Fostering Legacy while
Helping create REAL RELIEF
Wherever needed in the world
Will be keepers of themselves
And of All others
In need and receptive.
Children of ALL ages
The Guardians of the World!
We are simply doing what is possible!
Addressing the
Cry of the World
Making the Impossible Possible!
We are the ones
We’ve been waiting for.
We are the Team of TEAMS
All over the World!
Although the above was written by Burton Danet, Ph.D., Founder, The Foundation For A Better Community For All (FABC) and The Legacy of A Better Community For All (ABC4All) and ABC4All Global Mentoring TEAM Project, the cooperation and collaboration being established in the world is what “makes the impossible possible.” The goal is to go From The Dark to HOPE!