Let me explain why I feel so strongly that it is the woman who must make the decision to bring a child into this world and why outlawing abortion is not the answer.
And Paul Anka sang, “Havin’ my baby What a lovely way of sayin how much you love me” Your having my baby! That’s how we talk about the mother — a mother’s body an empty vessel waiting to hold the unborn child. This is false. Mothers don’t have babies; mothers make babies. In the body of mother an egg meets a sperm and magically grows into a zygote, an embryo, and then a fetus, into me, into you. Protein, mineral, vitamin, sugars, are turned into flesh, blood, bone drawn from of the mother’s body. Drawn into her body, from Mother Earth every Mother’s Body on earth grows, and nourishes, and cares for each and every developing cell, tissue, and organ, and continues to do so for 9 long months. Ever hear the expression, “for every child a tooth”? Calcium is washed from the mother’s mouth into the baby’s blood stream and to her bones. Abortion is protecting the sanctity of the mother-child bond. It is about making sure that there is a nest for the egg; fertile soil for the acorn, a warm safe home for the child. When women are recognized as the life-giving and sustaining channels and protectors of life within the family, honored and supported with education and financial resources and respect for this life-giving work, there will be justice.