Justice is not merely retribution, reparations or revenge for wrongs. It is much more than due legal process. It is transformative, an expansion of consciousness and awareness of how our actions affect others, of common causes and collective solutions. Justice can also be about closure, of giving voice and being heard for wrongs committed so victims can move through trauma to a brighter life. So society can move towards a brighter future of real equality for all. Justice is a way of living in the recognition of our own and other’s humanity. It is for everyone to examine deeply held beliefs, to commit to acting towards others in recognition that domination and subjugation impoverish and diminish our capacities to be more fully connected as human beings. Justice is recognition of those who have been so oppressed that they are invisible~ justice is about bringing shadows and dark deeds into the light, to be seen and transformed by shifts in consciousness about how we treat people and the planet.. Justice is individual and collective equality and listening to the other within ourselves. Justice is a remedy for inequality and oppression but it is enacted by people. It is in our hands to reform societies, to act in concert where justice is not seen or done. It is not an easy or short path. It takes courage and persistence often just when we are at our weakest. Finally justice sometimes has to be about compromise between competing injustices` the fine line between accepting small gains and compromises while never letting go of transforming society to live in harmony with each other and the planet. Justice is also economic in our material world, it is about the distribution of wealth and resources that enables equality. Justice is not merely an abstract formal equality` to be lived it must be embodied and enacted. A sense of Justice is what will drive us all towards sustainable ways of living with each other in the world. Justice is social and economic equity, of taking care of the weakest and the most vulnerable in our very social and political institutions in practical ways. Justice is findng non-violent ways of resolving conflicts of speaking out, giving voice , being heard , listening and making changes so these wrongs are not endlessly repeated.